Tarifa | Price list - Casals Ventilación [marzo 2025]

CV.28.02.25 504 MECHANICAL ACCESSORIES. OTHER ACCESORIOSMECÁNICOS. OTROS MANG M-M MANG F-F CARACTERÍSTICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS • Manguitos de acoplamiento macho en acero galvanizado que permiten conectar conductos espirales o conductos planos circulares con juntas internas. La pieza se instala presionando ambos extremos en los conductos a unir, hasta el tope en el medio del acoplamiento macho. A continuación, el acoplamiento macho debe sujetarse a ambos conductos con tornillos autoperforantes o remaches. BAJO DEMANDA •Manguitos con juntasdegomaqueno requieren selladoadicional. • En acero inoxidable. CARACTERÍSTICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS • Manguitos de acoplamientos hembra en acero galvanizado que se pueden utilizar para conectar conductos circulares. El método de instalación es idéntico para ambos extremos. El extremo hembra se presiona sobre el extremo de una curva, pieza en T, compuerta o reductor y se sujeta con tornillos autoperforantes o remaches. Es mejor sellar la junta con una cinta de sellado AF. BAJO DEMANDA • Manguitos con juntasdegomaqueno requierenselladoadicional. • En acero inoxidable. MANUFACTURING FEATURES • Male couplings in galvanized steel which allow connecting round spriral ducts or round plain ducts with inner joints. The piece is installed by pressing both ends into the ducts to be joined, up to the stop in the middle of the male coupling. Next, the male coupling needs to be fastened to both ducts with self-drilling screws or rivets. UNDER REQUEST • Couplings with gaskets which won’t requiere an additional sealing. • In stainless Steel. MANUFACTURING FEATURES • Female couplings in galvanized steel which can be used for connecting round fittings. The Installation method is identical for both gasketfitted or bare ends. The female end is pressed over the end of a bend, T-piece, damper or reducer and fastened with selfdrilling screws or rivets. It is best to seal the joint with a sealing tape AF. UNDER REQUEST • Couplings with gaskets which won’t requiere an additional sealing. • In stainless Steel. MANGUITO SIMPLE M-M MANGUITO SIMPLE F-F SIMPLE M-M COUPLINGS SIMPLE F-F COUPLINGS Code Model Ø R.R.P € Código Modelo Ø P.V.P € MANGM80 MANG M-M 80 80 4,60 MANGM100 MANG M-M 100 100 4,60 MANGM125 MANG M-M 125 125 4,80 MANGM150 MANG M-M 150 150 6,00 MANGM160 MANG M-M 160 160 6,20 MANGM200 MANG M-M 200 200 7,20 MANGM250 MANG M-M 250 250 8,60 MANGM315 MANG M-M 315 315 11,60 MANGM355 MANG M-M 355 355 12,30 MANGM400 MANG M-M 400 400 14,10 MANGM450 MANG M-M 450 450 15,70 MANGM500 MANG M-M 500 500 16,10 MANGM560 MANG M-M 560 560 18,90 MANGM630 MANG M-M 630 630 26,00 MANGM710 MANG M-M 710 710 28,70 Code Model Ø R.R.P € Código Modelo Ø P.V.P € MANGF80 MANG F-F 80 80 4,60 MANGF100 MANG F-F 100 100 4,60 MANGF125 MANG F-F 125 125 4,80 MANGF150 MANG F-F 150 150 6,00 MANGF160 MANG F-F 160 160 6,20 MANGF200 MANG F-F 200 200 7,20 MANGF250 MANG F-F 250 250 8,60 MANGF315 MANG F-F 315 315 11,60 MANGF355 MANG F-F 355 355 12,30 MANGF400 MANG F-F 400 400 14,10 MANGF450 MANG F-F 450 450 15,70 MANGF500 MANG F-F 500 500 16,10 MANGF560 MANG F-F 560 560 18,90 MANGF630 MANG F-F 630 630 26,00 MANGF710 MANG F-F 710 710 28,70