Tarifa | Price list - Casals Ventilación [July 2023]

ENERGY RECOVERY UNITS RECUPERADORES DE ENERGÍA CV.24.07.23 397 * Filter prices correspond to complete kits. Each kit contains all the filters required by each OREQA EEC recovery unit. * Los precios de los filtros corresponden a kits completos. Cada kit contiene todos los filtros que requiere cada recuperador OREQA EEC. OREQA EEC FILTERS | FILTROS PARA OREQA EEC FILTER | FILTROS CHEF High efficiency, rigid and compact filters / Filtro compacto rígido de alta eficacia ePM1≥50% (F7) Code Dimensions (mm) Application Rat. Air flow m3/h Initial Press. Loss (Pa) R.R.P. € * Código Dimensiones (mm) Aplicable Q nom. m3/h Pérd. Carga inicial (Pa) P.V.P € * FILTF07016 287x300x48 OREQA 005 EEC 730 90 109,30 FILTF07017 330x500x48 OREQA 006 EEC 1200 90 192,90 KIT ePM1≥50% (F7) Code Dimensions (mm) Application Rat. Air flow m3/h Initial Press. Loss (Pa) R.R.P. € * Código Dimensiones (mm) Aplicable Q nom. m3/h Pérd. Carga inicial (Pa) P.V.P € * KFILTF07000 2 uds 450x300x48 OREQA 015 EEC 1900 90 351,60 KFILTF07001 2 uds 500x500x48 OREQA 030 EEC 3600 90 401,40 ePM1≥80% (F9) Code Dimensions (mm) Application Rat. Air flow m3/h Initial Press. Loss (Pa) R.R.P. € * Código Dimensiones (mm) Aplicable Q nom. m3/h Pérd. Carga inicial (Pa) P.V.P € * FILTF09014 287x300x48 OREQA 005 EEC 490 130 133,30 FILTF09015 330x500x48 OREQA 006 EEC 800 130 242,50 KIT ePM1≥80% (F9) Code Dimensions (mm) Application Rat. Air flow m3/h Initial Press. Loss (Pa) R.R.P. € * Código Dimensiones (mm) Aplicable Q nom. m3/h Pérd. Carga inicial (Pa) P.V.P € * KFILTF09000 2 uds 450x300x48 OREQA 015 EEC 1400 130 418,40 KFILTF09001 2 uds 500x500x48 OREQA 030 EEC 2500 130 468,00