Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless and odorless toxic gas, so it is very dangerous and can cause serious damage and even death. For this reason, community car parks become a classified risk zone and it is convenient to use specific systems for the detection of carbon monoxide and the forced extraction of gases derived from vehicles in motion.
The objective of CO-MASTER is to maintain these levels of CO in accordance with the requirements of current regulations. Certification according to UNE 23300: 1984 normative complying with the requirements of Real Decreto 2367/1985 and with the Technical Building Code.
With the Casals CO-MASTER monoxide central, not only is an optimized system available to save energy and reduce noise pollution, but it is also adapted to any legislation in force thanks to the CO-SMART version.
Among the operating modes of CO-MASTER, the most recommended is the CO-SMART version, which has the presence of a frequency inverter (SFC) that after an average of the CO particles detected delivers a proportional signal of 0 to 10V optimal for the existing concentration.