The shopping malls have thermal installations (ventilation, heating and cooling) that must comply with energy efficiency and security requirements.
This implies maintaining a good quality indoor air adapted to the activity that takes place in each room of the shopping mall: waiting rooms, hall, bathrooms, bars, restaurants, professional kitchens, cinemas, etc.; a thermal quality of the environment, and a good acoustic quality (installations and machines must make the least possible noise).
To do this, it is essential to install fans for the extraction of smoke and air renewal in spaces, energy recovery systems that achieve a good quality of air without losing the energy invested in heating or cooling spaces, the elimination of concentrations of CO2, etc. and always with the least possible noise, for which fans equipped with EC electronic motors (Probat EEC by Casals) are ideal.
For small premises, bathrooms, toilets and other rooms where moisture or concentrations of odors can be accumulated it will be convenient to install small extractors. They are the same fans that we can use at the domestic level (residential fans) since they are small spaces where a relatively low air-flow is required.
Do not forget the pressurization systems of stairs or escape routes, where you have to automatically control the differential pressure and maintain it at 50Pa in a single stage according to the UNE-EN 12101-6 standard. With a pressurization kit for stairs, escape routes and independece vestibules such as the KIT-PE it is possible to overpressure by means of air impulsion causes inside the escape route such pressure that at the same time will prevent the entry of fumes coming from the combustion of the fire.
At the end, the use of air curtains such as COURSALIS and COURSALIS E to avoid temperature contrasts at the entrances of the shopping mall or small shops, bars or restaurants that are in its facilities. We will protect the indoor environment by generating an invisible air barrier at the entrance by separating the indoor environment from the outdoor without preventing people from accessing it.
As for security, the main chapter of a shopping mall is located in the underground parking area. Here we talk about the installation of jet fans, as well as the fans that will be responsible for the contribution and extraction of air to extract the smoke caused by the accumulation of stale air or by a random fire.
Download this brochure to see in detail what products can be installed for ventilation in a shopping mall, from shops, warehouses, kitchens, parking areas and restaurants.
NEW Inline fan, with aluminium profile, sandwich panel, 25mm insulation and changeable panels. Backward impeller.
> more informationHigh performance air curtain for commercial use, with remote control. Reach up to 3m. With MDS accessory to activate the opening and closing of the curtain when someone crosses the door.
> more information