User manuals are different depending on the product so, the most organized way to get them is to visit each of these products. Sign in Fanware and get access to such documentation: standard manuals, specific, F400, ATEX, transmission, domestic, etc.
Below you will find some of the most requested manuals.
User and installation manual for ERELIS axial extraction fan sizes 100, 120 and 150.
> download PDFUser manual of tertiary or commercial heat recovery unit OREQA EEC by Casals.
> download PDFUser manual of use and operation of the high-flow heat recovery unit for tertiary or commercial use QUANTICA EEC by Casals
> download PDFREINTAIR EEC and REINTAIR WARRIOR EEC commissioning instructions and control panel manual for modes setting.
> download PDFREINTAIR EEC and REINTAIR WARRIOR EEC 110V commissioning instructions and control panel manual for modes setting.
> download PDFManual for connecting a differential pressure transmiter (DPS) with frequency speed controller (SFC) for the stairs kit pressurization. This kit, connected to a supply fan, allows to keep pressurized an evacuation area (for example a protected staircase) avoiding the entry of smoke from an adjacent fire.
> download PDF