Accesorios mecánicos / Persianas MECHANICAL ACCESSORIES / SHUTTERS 989 CV092024 Non-return overpressure damper for façades made of aluminum slats, which opens and closes automatically. It works with the airflow by opening during operation and closing when the fan is closed. Lshaped frame to be directly embedded. It maintains the overpressure or depression inside a room with respect to the outside or another adjoining room. They incorporate holes in the frame for fixing to the wall or duct by means of screws or rivets. MANUFACTURING FEATURES • Galvanized steel frame for embedding, L-shaped. • Aluminum slats. • Ø12 shafts in galvanized steel. • Ø12 bronze bushings. • Suitable for 400°/2h (not certified) and temperatures below zero. • Suitable for speed 18m/s andwith some turbulence. CMP-HLT Overpressure damper (vertical positioning) Compuerta de sobrepresión (posicionamiento vertical) Compuerta de sobrepresión antirretorno para fachada fabricada con lamas de aluminio, que abre y cierra automáticamente. Funcionaconel flujodeaireabriéndoseen funcionamiento y cerrándose cuando el ventilador está cerrado. Marco en forma de L para ser empotrado directamente. Mantiene la sobrepresión o depresión dentro de un local con respecto al exterior uotro local contiguo. Incorporan en el bastidor taladros para fijación en paramentooconductomediante tornilloso remaches. CARACTERÍSTICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS •Marcoenacerogalvanizadoparaempotrar,enformadeL. • Lamas de aluminio. • Ejes deØ12 en acerogalvanizado. • Casquillos debronceØ12. • Apta para 400°/2h (no certificada) y temperaturas bajo cero. • Aptapara velocidad18m/s y conalgode turbulencia. Code Model Dimensions CMPHLT5050 CMP-HLT 500x500 500 x 500 CMPHLT6363 CMP-HLT 630x630 630 x 630 CMPHLT58080 CMP-HLT 800x800 800 x 800 CMPHLT100100 CMP-HLT 1000x1000 1000 x 1000 CMPHLT125125 CMP-HLT 1250x1250 1250 x 1250 DIMENSIONS / dimensiones C 61 ØE F D H 62 D B A Model B H A C D CMP-HLT 500x500 500 500 620 503 310 CMP-HLT 630x630 630 630 - - - CMP-HLT 800x800 800 800 - - - CMP-HLT 1000x1000 1000 1000 - - - CMP-HLT 1250x1250 1250 1250 - - - 160 40 40 40 H x B H PASSI 300 Y Y PASSI 300 B X X 20 20 40 Ø8 Model B H Nº holes X Y B CMP 300x310 (for CMP-HUT) 300 310 - - - B CMP 500x500 (for CMP-HUT) 500 500 1 250 250 B CMP 500x510 (for CMP-HUT) 500 510 1 250 255 B CMP 630x630 (for CMP-HUT) 630 630 1 165 165 B CMP 800x800 (for CMP-HUT) 800 800 2 250 255 B CMP 800x810 (for CMP-HUT) 800 810 2 250 255 B CMP 1000x1000 (for CMP-HUT) 1000 1000 3 200 205 B CMP 1000x1010 (for CMP-HUT) 1000 1010 3 200 205 B CMP 1250x1250 (for CMP-HUT) 1250 1250 - - - Code Model Dimensions Application BCMP3031 B CMP 300x310 (for CMP-HUT) 310 x 310 CTH3 225, 250, 280 & 315/ KENTALROOF 315, ENKELROOF 315, 355 & 450 BCMP5050 B CMP 500x500 (for CMP-HUT) 500 x 500 BOX HB 45 & 50 BCMP5051 B CMP 500x510 (for CMP-HUT) 500 x 510 CTH3 355, 400&450/ KENTALROOF 355, 400, 450, 500, 560 BCMP6363 B CMP 630x630 (for CMP-HUT) 630 x 630 BOX HB 56 & 63 BCMP58080 B CMP 800x800 (for CMP-HUT) 800 x 800 BOXHB 71&80 BCMP8081 B CMP 800x810 (for CMP-HUT) 800 x 810 CTH3 500, 560 & 630/ KENTALROOF 630 BCMP100100 B CMP 1000x1000 (for CMP-HUT) 1000 x 1000 BOX HB 90 & 100 BCMP100101 B CMP 1000x1010 (for CMP-HUT) 1000 x 1010 CTH3 710 al 800 BCMP125125 B CMP 1250x1250 (for CMP-HUT) 1250 x 1250 BOX HB 112 & 125 DIMENSIONS / dimensiones